PKG1alpha, active

N-terminal 6His-tagged recombinant, full length PKG1α.

Catalog #: 14-688


Biological Information
Background Information:
In smooth muscle cells, one of the major receptors for cGMP is the serine/threonine protein kinase, cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1, beta isozyme (PRKG1B). PRKG1 has been shown to catalyze the phosphorylation of a number of physiologically relevant proteins whose function it is to regulate the contractile activity of the smooth muscle cell. Two main types of PRKG are present in eukaryotic cells. Type I is widely distributed and is isolated from soluble extracts of tissues, such as cardiac and smooth muscle, as well as lymphoid cells. Type II is a particulate form of the enzyme and has a limited tissue distribution. GenBank D45864
Target Class:
Accession Number:
NM_001098512.1; NM_006258.2
Target Name:
Target Aliases:
PRKG1, cGKI-beta, FLJ36117, PGK, PRKGR1A, cGKI-alpha, cGKI, MGC71944, OTTHUMP00000061216, CGKI, PRKG1B, cGKI-BETA, PRKGR1B, DKFZp686K042
Target Species:
Product Type:
Drug Discovery & Development
Storage Conditions:
6 months at -70°C
Usage Disclaimer:
These products may be covered by issued US and/or foreign patents, patent application and subject to Limited Use Label License. Please visit for a list of products that are governed by limited use label license terms and relevant patent and trademark information.


14-688x Datasheet

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