K 252a

K 252a is an inhibitor of PKC, MLCK, and other receptor tyrosine kinases. This product is provided as 200μg of dry powder.

Catalog #: 92-1245 Size: 200 µg


Biological Information
Background Information:
K 252a is a fungal alkaloid and analog of staurosporine that is a potent, cell-permeable inhibitor of PKC (IC50=32.9nM), calcium/calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterases (IC50=1.3-2.9uM), MLCK (Ki=20nM), and receptor tyrosine kinases. Promotes myogenic differentiation, neuronal culture survival, and apoptosis, among other biological effects. Provided as 200μg of dry powder.
Target Name:
K 252a
Product Type:
Control Ligands & Inhibitors
Drug Discovery & Development
Storage Conditions:
Store at -20°C. Please avoid multiple freeze/thaw cycles.
Usage Disclaimer:
These products may be covered by issued US and/or foreign patents, patent application and subject to Limited Use Label License. Please visit discoverx.com/license for a list of products that are governed by limited use label license terms and relevant patent and trademark information.
Additional Information


92-1245 Datasheet

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