Wnt 3a protein

WNT3A is a signaling glycoprotein that is important for multiple developmental processes, including cell fate regulation and patterning during embryogenesis, and cell-cell signaling during morphogenesis of developing neural tube.

Catalog #: 92-1100 Size: 10 µg


Biological Information
Background Information:
Wnt-3a is one of 19 vertebrate members of the Wingless-type MMTV integration site (Wnt) family of highly conserved cysteine-rich secreted glycoproteins important for normal developmental processes. WNT3A functions in the canonical Wnt signaling pathway that results in activation of transcription factors of the TCF/LEF family (PubMed:26902720). Please note that this product expresses the Mouse version of this protein.
Target Name:
Wnt 3a
Product Type:
Control Ligands & Inhibitors
Drug Discovery & Development
Storage Conditions:
Store at ≤-20°C. Please avoid multiple freeze/thaw cycles.
Usage Disclaimer:
These products may be covered by issued US and/or foreign patents, patent application and subject to Limited Use Label License. Please visit discoverx.com/license for a list of products that are governed by limited use label license terms and relevant patent and trademark information.
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92-1100 Datasheet

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